Oh em geeeezzzzz!!!!! there it is for all the world (or whoever reads this) to see!!!!! woooooooo!! :D I am SUCH an amazing drawer. bahahahaha. woot :) here's my 15 seconds of fame baby!
I'm 14, love to draw, and have an art channel on YouTube, ArtArmada. I know you're probably thinking, "Why should I be here if there's plenty of other professional artists on the internet?" *cough* Well the answer is that I'm only 14 and I draw just as good, or even BETTER than some professional artists.
Oh em geeeezzzzz!!!!! there it is for all the world (or whoever reads this) to see!!!!! woooooooo!! :D I am SUCH an amazing drawer. bahahahaha. woot :) here's my 15 seconds of fame baby!